SoftSimu - the Group of Dr. Mikko Karttunen

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SoftSimu - the Group of Dr. Mikko Karttunen#

This is the home page of SoftSimu, the Biological and Soft Matter & Nanomaterials Group of Prof. Mikko Karttunen. Our research is geared towards the interface between condensed matter physics, biology and biomedical sciences. Typically, we employ large scale computer simulations combined with analytical studies, the development and use of Machine Learning and AI methods, and their applications. Many of our projects are done in collaboration with experimental groups.

We concentrate on problems related to multiscale modeling of biological systems, lipid membranes, pattern formation in reaction-diffusion systems, and developing computational methods. From these pages you’ll find more about our research, downloadable software, events, computational facilities and jobs/studentships.

If you would like to know more, get re/preprints, suggest a collaboration, etc., please don’t hesitate to contact us!

Note: Previously, until the end of June 2021, we were located (50%) at Western Applied Mathematics Department. At that time, Western University underwent some re-structuring and the department no-longer exists. Click for more info.

Current support: